1. Use a fabric shaver.
By far the best thing I’ve invested in when it comes caring for my clothes is my debobbler (I don’t think that’s its proper name but that’s what I always call it). This has singlehandedly saved so many of my clothes and made them wearable again. I have a white bodysuit from Missguided which I love but had to stop wearing because it got too bobbled and the bobbles were really noticeable on the white fabric, I used my debobbler on it and now it looks brand new again! This is the one I bought which is the Phillips fabric shaver from Amazon and it was only £13.29. I highly recommend getting one since it’s been such lifesaver.
2. Start steaming.
Something else I recently purchased was a steamer. I hate ironing (anyone else?) so I love my steamer for getting rid of creases. It’s so much quicker and more convenient to use than an iron and makes my clothes crease free. I’ve been using the Dodocool portable garment steamer from Amazon which is £18.99.
3. Read your labels!
This might sound a bit obvious but its so important to read the wash label in your clothes so they don’t get damaged. It’s important to check the temperature an item should be washed at and whether the item needs to be hand-washed or dry cleaned. More delicate items such as blouses and jumpers should be washed on a delicate setting. Also, don’t mix your colours! You can also pin the laundry symbol guide from above on Pinterest, it came from a post from One Good Thing which explains more about wash labels. You can read the post here.
4. Don’t over wash your clothes.
You don’t need to wash all your items after only one use, in fact over washing certain items can damage them, wool and denim items should be washed as little as possible to avoid damage so try not to wash them unless they really need it. Jeans can also be put in a ziplock bag in the freezer overnight to kill germs instead of washing them. I haven’t tried this yet but apparently it really helps to preserve your denim.
Source: http://jujusprinkles.com/2016-04-01-everything-you-need-to-know-about-konmari-folding/?epik=0uJVFE_IWX4x9 |
5. Be careful when storing them.
The way you store your clothes can also lengthen their life span. I like to hang items that are more delicate and that can crease easily up in my wardrobe. When it comes to my chest of drawers I’ve recently started folding my items using the KonMari method of folding. This method prevents creases, allows me to fit more items in each drawer and I can see everything. The diagram above shows how to fold a top using this method, you can read more in this post from Juju Sprinkles. I first heard of this method in this video from Lucy Jessica Carter which I recommend you give a watch.